Can I Float With Dreadlocks

By Ted Doe on October 6, 2019

While float tank water will not harm dreadlocks, you may find it difficult to fully rinse all of the salty water from your dreads in the limited amount of shower time allowed post float. We suggest fully wetting your hair with fresh water before and after entering the tank. The reason for this is that locs soaked with fresh water will absorb less salt water during a float. This makes it easier to rinse salt water from dreads after your float session.

Hair stylists commonly recommend floating a day or two before your next stylist visit so they can give dreadlocked hair a proper wash. A rinse of white vinegar is a common method to remove any remaining salt residue from dreadlocks. Another recommended tip is to wash your locs with Dr. Bronner's soap. It's a natural and organic soap that will help remove the salt water and chemicals from your dread without introducing additional chemical compounds.

Should I Wear A Swim Cap?

This is a commonly asked question, but the answer is no. Swim caps are designed to keep falling water from getting in your hair, similar to a rain shower head or storm. Floating on your back in an isolation tank does not prevent water from entering a shower cap. Your hair will absolutely get wet and you will be required to rinse the salt out with fresh water after your float. Swim caps do somewhat prevent hair coloring from leaking out and entering the tank water, but there is no guarantee that your hair will remain dry.

A common alternative is to tie your locks up in a bun during your float. This will keep your locks in place and prevent them from potentially brushing against you, causing distraction.

Can I Float With Dread Wax Or Oil?

You should avoid floating if your hair contains any waxes, oils, or creams. Additionally, many float centers will not allow customers to float with any of these products in their hair. Your pre-float shower is a great time to wash out any hair products that may contain oils. Most float centers provide you soap and shampoo.


Floating with dreadlocks is absolutely possible if you follow a few precautions. Let's do a quick recap:

  • Wet your dreadlocks in the shower before you enter a float tank. This will minimize the amount of salt that is absorbed by your hair. Rinse your hair with fresh water and a vinegar solution after you finish your float.
  • Shower caps will not keep your hair dry. Instead, tie your locks up in a bun during your float. This will prevent them from drifting in the water.
  • Avoid all dread wax and oils in float tanks. It does not mix well with the tank's filtration system. Make sure to rinse our any oils or creams in your pre-float shower.

Most float centers follow these same suggestions, so using the list above will ensure that you have a successful and productive float anywhere you go. If you have dreadlocks and have any tips or suggestions on ways to improve a float, please let us know.

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